When creating double sided PCBs, the mirror/flipping aspect can be pretty daunting. Most everyone knows by now, who has tried manufacturing PCBs at home, to mirror the image when printing to apply to the board. That is mostly for words, and unsymmetrical items on your board, and perha...
It is early in the process, but it has become quite apparent, quite quickly, that CadSoft EAGLE is not going to be our PCB design tool of choice. Due to limitations of board size in the free version of EAGLE, it is not going to be useable for BirdStone projects.
So, we are go...
It became apparent pretty early in the design processes that we were going to need a custom EAGLE component library to meet our needs. After a couple of weeks of struggling to make the current libraries contained in EAGLE work for us, we decided that just wasn't really feasible. We knew that if we...